Responsible Alcohol Service

Only on subscription!

The web course in Responsible Alcohol Serving ensures that you who work at a restaurant will have the correct knowledge of the alcohol law. After completing the course, you will not have to worry about a suspended license due to lack of knowledge. The course is suitable for those who work in the dining room, bar or as a dishwasher, door guard or entrance host.

From the course program:

  • Alcohol policy
  • The Swedish Alcohol Law
  • Drug use in restaurants
  • When the authorities come to visit
  • Staff responsibilities


The course is developed by and is implemented in their education system. When you buy the course via the button below and you will soon receive an email from with your login details and your web course can begin. 

Additional information: The course is conducted with six teacher-led films online. Each film concludes with a partial examination and results in a comprehensive final examination which forms the basis of your course certificate. The training is two hours long. A downloadable course certificate is issued after completion of the training and an approved final exam. The course and course material is available in Swedish and English. Select a language when you make your reservation.